濾能擁有AMC微污染控制的領先技術, 為半導體及面板產業客戶提供最佳AMC 防治控制方案,透過產品模組化的組合式設計,達成3R的目標



326 桃園市楊梅區中山北路一段199巷98號2樓



latest news

濾能將ESG 深根核心-董事長獲永續管理師證書
Professional Certification

GreenFiltec has deeply ingrained in ESG-Chairman obtains Sustainable Management Certificate.

In the face of drastic changes in the domestic and international economic and business environment, corporate executives must swiftly enhance their awareness of international trends. They need to integrate sustainability issues into their operational strategy blueprint, effectively leveraging core corporate capabilities and managing risks derived from various aspects.

濾能獲 TIPS A級專利認證,凸顯長期重視智財權管理
Professional Certification

Energy Filtration Secures TIPS Class A Patent Certification, Spotlight on Long-Term Intellectual Property Management

Energy Filtration Receives TIPS Class A Certification, Highlighting Commitment to Long-Term Intellectual Property Management

Energy Filtration recently earned the “Taiwan Intellectual Property Management Standard” (TIPS) Class A certification from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industrial Development Bureau. This recognition not only affirms the company’s outstanding performance but also underscores Energy Filtration’s long-standing commitment and high regard for intellectual property management.

Professional Certification

GreenFILTEC has obtained BSI certification for ISO-14064-1 Greenhouse Gas Inventory and ISO-14067 Carbon Footprint Inventory

GreenFILTEC is also the world’s first panel-type chemical filter AMC control supplier to achieve BSI certification for ISO-14067 Carbon Footprint Inventory. This year, we have achieved localized manufacturing and local supply chain, resulting in a reduction of 1.505 kg CO2e per filter, equivalent to a carbon reduction of 11.77%.
