濾能擁有AMC微污染控制的領先技術, 為半導體及面板產業客戶提供最佳AMC 防治控制方案,透過產品模組化的組合式設計,達成3R的目標



326 桃園市楊梅區中山北路一段199巷98號2樓



GreenFILTEC has obtained BSI certification for ISO-14064-1 Greenhouse Gas Inventory and ISO-14067 Carbon Footprint Inventory


GreenFILTEC is also the world’s first panel-type chemical filter AMC control supplier to achieve BSI certification for ISO-14067 Carbon Footprint Inventory. This year, we have achieved localized manufacturing and local supply chain, resulting in a reduction of 1.505 kg CO2e per filter, equivalent to a carbon reduction of 11.77%.

More than 130 countries worldwide have announced their goal to achieve “net-zero carbon emissions” by 2050, and the European Union is set to implement the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) in October 2023, requiring importers to submit carbon emission-related data. GreenFILTEC has set its own goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2030, ahead of many others.

The British Standards Institution (BSI) serves as the verification body for greenhouse gases. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is often accompanied by increased energy efficiency and reduced resource waste. Through verification, companies can effectively take measures to reduce emissions, protect the environment, and enhance production efficiency. This year, GreenFILTEC has also obtained BSI certification for ISO-14064-1 Greenhouse Gas Inventory and ISO-14067 Carbon Footprint Inventory, demonstrating our commitment and determination to achieve net-zero carbon emissions.

GreenFILTEC is dedicated to becoming a key consumables supplier for advanced semiconductor processes and a global green enterprise. We focus on green production, smart manufacturing to improve supply efficiency, and optimize quality stability. At the same time, we produce low-carbon products to reduce the carbon footprint of our customers’ supply chains.