濾能擁有AMC微污染控制的領先技術, 為半導體及面板產業客戶提供最佳AMC 防治控制方案,透過產品模組化的組合式設計,達成3R的目標



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Performance Evaluation Board

The measurement of the performance evaluation of Board

In accordance with the Code of Practice for Corporate Governance of Listed OTC Companies, Greenfiltec formulated the “Board of Directors’ Performance Evaluation Measures” on 110/11, which was approved by the board of directors and conducts performance evaluations of the board of directors every year.

At the same time, at least once every three years, an external professional independent institution or a team of external experts and scholars will conduct the evaluation. In addition, the measurement items of the performance evaluation of the board of directors will be carried out from the three aspects of “the overall board of directors, director members and functional committees“.

The aspects included in the measurement items of the three major performance evaluations are described as follows:

Performance Evaluation Board

Board of Directors

Board Member

Functional Committee