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Underwater Noise Reduction Technology Innovation Provides Innovative Solutions for Offshore Wind Power Implementation

水下減噪技術革新 為離岸風電實踐提供創新解決方案

To align with global decarbonization and net-zero policies, the demand for green energy is increasing. In recent years, Taiwan’s geographical advantages have attracted significant attention from international green energy investors to Taiwan’s offshore wind power industry. As onshore wind power development in Taiwan approaches saturation, attention has shifted to the abundant wind resources in offshore wind fields. Taiwan has been developing offshore wind power for over a decade, and concerns from environmental conservation groups have risen due to the environmental impact of wind turbine installations. The ecological concerns include the impact on fishery yields and the strong noise generated by pile-driving machines, affecting the nearby ecosystems and coastal residents. How industry players address these concerns is still under discussion.

The Industrial Technology Bureau, through technological project subsidies, has encouraged the development of underwater noise reduction technology by the Academia Sinica and promoted the adoption of underwater noise reduction products by the industry. Greenfiltec has actively collaborated with the Academia Sinica and Chung Tai Rubber to develop a new type of noise reduction rubber composed of advanced sound-absorbing composite materials, different from traditional bubble curtains, providing a new solution for underwater foundation noise reduction.

This type of rubber material does not cause seawater pollution, can bond with underwater foundations for an extended period without easy decay or detachment. Before submerging the pre-piling template, the noise reduction material is welded to the template onshore, and both are then submerged together. This approach facilitates rapid construction, saving around 20% of construction costs and avoiding the risks and carbon emissions associated with workboats at sea, making it favored by developers.

Greenfiltec’s newly developed noise reduction technology not only addresses the needs of offshore wind turbines but also has the potential for broader applications in projects such as cross-sea bridges, harbor engineering, military ship soundproofing, etc., significantly improving the noise issues associated with all underwater projects.

The fate of Taiwan’s economy is closely tied to the success of offshore wind power development. Greenfiltec is committed to contributing to this cause by assisting in solving offshore wind power issues and achieving win-win results with the environment. In addition to actively developing underwater noise reduction technology, other related products are also in development, promising a bright future.