濾能擁有AMC微污染控制的領先技術, 為半導體及面板產業客戶提供最佳AMC 防治控制方案,透過產品模組化的組合式設計,達成3R的目標



326 桃園市楊梅區中山北路一段199巷98號2樓



The only one module chemical filter screen factory in Taiwan

In the process of semiconductor wafer production, the chemical solvent will inevitably volatilize in the air. At this time, the chemical filter screen plays a very important role, because as long as there is no filtration, the pollutants will run onto the wafer, and all will have to be scrapped! Yangmei’s Filtration Energy Co., Ltd. has developed the only modular chemical filter screen in the whole Taiwan, and successfully entered the supply chain of Mount Protector. See the exclusive report of Dongsen Financial News.