濾能擁有AMC微污染控制的領先技術, 為半導體及面板產業客戶提供最佳AMC 防治控制方案,透過產品模組化的組合式設計,達成3R的目標



326 桃園市楊梅區中山北路一段199巷98號2樓



Taiwan’s hidden champions: GreenFiltec selected as the 7th Potential Key Enterprise.


Observing from international experiences, it is known that Germany’s economy stands strong with the support of century-old brand enterprises. It is widely recognized in the industry that German companies highly value technological expertise, with a considerable number of “key enterprises” supporting its economy. Therefore, Taiwan, taking reference from the definition of hidden champions in Germany and considering the characteristics of domestic industrial development, has established the Key Enterprise Award to select companies of appropriate scale, solid basic technology, possessing unique and critical technological expertise in specific fields, having high international market competitiveness, and primarily operating or producing domestically.

GreenFiltec’s filter products have been certified by the world’s largest wafer fab, capable of effectively filtering out AMC gaseous pollutants. This is a defensive technology because effectively controlling ultra-low AMC concentrations typically results in extremely high “pressure drop.” GreenFiltec has developed chemical filters that can achieve the same level of AMC adsorption and purification effect as foreign major manufacturers without sacrificing pressure. Moreover, it can adjust the composition and proportion of chemical adsorbents based on database data to achieve good AMC adsorption effects, avoiding the generation of new sources of pollution from chemical reactions between the filter and gaseous molecules.

Another strong point of GreenFiltec is its focus on “environmental protection,” which is also a trend as companies pursue ESG. The key is the “modular” design of the filter, which allows for the replacement of single-layer filter materials without replacing the entire frame, breaking the traditional design concept of filters and enabling more possibilities for environmental protection, reuse, and recycling.

Therefore, GreenFiltec being selected as the 7th Potential Key Enterprise is a significant affirmation for us, serving as motivation to move forward. We also hope to enhance our international competitiveness and strive towards the goal of becoming an excellent key enterprise in the future.

We express our gratitude to all GreenFiltec colleagues for their collective efforts in achieving this honor!