濾能擁有AMC微污染控制的領先技術, 為半導體及面板產業客戶提供最佳AMC 防治控制方案,透過產品模組化的組合式設計,達成3R的目標



326 桃園市楊梅區中山北路一段199巷98號2樓



Occupational Safety and Health


Occupational Safety and Health is a part of ESG Action Plan. Greenfiltec ensures employee safety and health in performing their duties through various policies, measures, and systems, aiming to prevent accidents and occupational diseases. By continually improving and complying with regulations, occupational safety and health not only reduce the likelihood of personnel injuries but also enhance employee morale, ultimately achieving the goals of corporate sustainability and social responsibility.

Occupational Safety and Health​

To ensure the safety and health of both Filtec employees and contract workers, GreenFiltec complies with labor regulations by deploying certified occupational health and safety management personnel, first responders, and fire safety officers at each facility. Employees are required to hold relevant certifications when operating various machinery. Additionally, both the Yangmei headquarters and the Xinwu production site have obtained ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System certification to ensure workplace safety and hygiene. We has integrated this system with its existing health and safety management structure, applying it across organizational operations to doubly safeguard employee well-being. Through hazard identification, risk assessment, risk control measures, and external verification, Filtec is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment.
GreenFiltec initially obtained OHSAS 18001 certification in 2018 and transitioned to ISO 45001 in 2020, covering the Yangmei headquarters and Xinwu warehouse. Since 2021, the newly launched Meishi plant—specialized in high-quality chemical filters and certified by major semiconductor manufacturers—has also applied the highest standards across all processes and personnel safety protocols. In the 2022 audit, Meishi achieved zero non-conformance and passed certification. GreenFiltec continues to promote occupational safety awareness through online meetings and annual training sessions, emphasizing workplace safety and traffic safety for employees, to maintain a zero-incident workplace. Additionally, contract workers are informed of potential hazards through signed hazard communication documents. The current certification is valid from June 27, 2023, to July 5, 2026.

Disaster Prevention, Emergency Preparedness, and Response

Alongside the company’s formal occupational health and safety policy, Filtec has also implemented emergency response policies and drills to minimize harm in the event of a disaster.

01 Emergency Preparedness and Response

We has established disaster response plans for incidents such as fires, explosions, chemical handling accidents, earthquakes, floods, typhoons, and other natural disasters. Employees are organized into groups with designated disaster response roles. Through an effective emergency response plan and procedures, any incident is promptly managed to prevent or mitigate its impact on Filtec and surrounding personnel.

02 Emergency Drills

To ensure employees are familiar with emergency procedures, Filtec conducts one occupational safety drill annually. For example, a fire safety drill is scheduled for December 29, 2023, to keep employees vigilant.

Occupational Incidents

In 2022, three occupational incidents were reported: two involved commuting traffic accidents, and one employee experienced a recurrence of a pre-existing condition from prolonged standing at work. Filtec assisted employees involved in traffic incidents with insurance claims and provided support. The employee with the recurring condition was granted adjustments to work duties to allow recovery time.
Item TotalMaleFemale
Employee Base Count 1688484
Occupational Fatalities 000
Fatality Rate 000
Serious Injuries 000
Serious Injury Rate 000
Recordable Incidents 312
Recordable Incident Rate 1.580.531.05