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Nanke New Factory held a thanksgiving and blessing service on the upper beam


Greenfiltec Co., Ltd. (6823) held a thanksgiving and blessing service for Nanke New Plant in Tainan Science Park on this (14) day. The construction project of Nanke New Plant was officially launched in March last year. The first phase of the plant’s 2800 floor plan for pre-mining and post-processing is expected to be officially put into operation in the first half of 2023. The establishment of Nanke Plant is not only in response to the growing demand of chemical filter screen of the filter energy company, but also represents the milestone of the filter energy towards the sustainable development of the environment.

The worship ceremony of thanksgiving and blessing in the upper beam of the new plant of Filtergy Nanke

Su Zhengang (from the left), director of the South Science and Technology Administration Bureau, Chen Jianrong, chairman of the Damao Construction Company, Chen Rongyan, architect of the Maoqiao Architecture Firm, Huang Mingwen, chairman of the filtration company, Huang Qibao, general manager of the filtration company, and Zhang Yuemei, manager of the Taiwan Enterprise Bank, jointly presided over the ceremony of thanksgiving and blessing at the upper beam of the new filtration company.
Huang Mingwen, the chairman of the filtration company, announced his determination to develop into a
Huang Mingwen, the chairman of the filtration company, announced his determination to develop into a “global green enterprise” in the future.

This Shangliang ceremony is different from the traditional Christian blessing worship. At the beginning of the ceremony, Huang Mingwen, chairman of Filtergy, said: “In the process of entrepreneurship, because of the help of faith, we can go all the way to the present, so we hope to commemorate this important day through warm blessing worship.”. At the same time, Huang Mingwen also announced his determination to develop into a “global green enterprise” through the spirit of “Go Clean, Think Green”.

In his speech, Huang Qibao, the general manager of filtration energy, also mentioned that “net zero carbon emissions” has become an irreversible trend in the world. Filtration energy has always adhered to the corporate spirit of “Go Clean, Think Green”. In addition to the extreme low-carbon design of chemical filters, it has also begun to invest in the low-carbon transformation of the whole enterprise in recent years. From the beginning of the planning and design of Nanke Plant, it has been based on the standard of diamond-grade green buildings, With the ultimate goal of building the industry’s first green factory, all production equipment is also built into a smart factory on the premise of automated intelligent design. In terms of green energy planning, taking advantage of the advantages of good weather and long sunshine in the southern region, the plant has built a solar power supply system for its own use. In the future, it will also purchase green power certificates, and will gradually move towards the goal of 100% use of renewable energy.

Huang Qibao, the general manager of the filtration company, stressed that “net zero carbon emissions” has become an irreversible trend in the world, and the filtration company has always adhered to the corporate spirit of “Go Clean, Think Green”
Nanke New Plant of Energy Filtration Company successfully went to Jinliang

(This article is reprinted from Economic Daily/Xiang Jialin)