濾能擁有AMC微污染控制的領先技術, 為半導體及面板產業客戶提供最佳AMC 防治控制方案,透過產品模組化的組合式設計,達成3R的目標



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latest news

濾能將ESG 深根核心-董事長獲永續管理師證書
Professional Certification

GreenFiltec has deeply ingrained in ESG-Chairman obtains Sustainable Management Certificate.

In the face of drastic changes in the domestic and international economic and business environment, corporate executives must swiftly enhance their awareness of international trends. They need to integrate sustainability issues into their operational strategy blueprint, effectively leveraging core corporate capabilities and managing risks derived from various aspects.


Voice of the Ocean: Protecting the Home of Whales and Dolphins

Did you know that conserving whales and dolphins can also help combat the climate crisis? A single large whale species can absorb 33 tons of carbon dioxide over its lifetime, equivalent to the carbon absorption of 3 hectares of forest. However, due to fishing activities and human disturbances, the number of stranded whales and dolphins in Taiwan reached 160 in 2020, twice the number from a decade ago!
